Blueprint Blog


By Coach Rob Regish / November 2, 2012 /

Many trainees with decades in the iron game have been sold on the merits of heavy benching, squats and deadlifts. There is no argument from me on this point – these movements work and work well to stimulate a LOT of muscle growth. Trainees have used them to great effect and they’ve delivered time and time again.

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How and Why To Employ The Unorthodox

By Coach Rob Regish / November 2, 2012 /

I was inspired to write this piece by Seth Spanner who inquired as to what I considered to be a a good weighted dip. I went on to state that in my opinion, anyone who can dip with 50% or more of their body weight for reps is an impressive feat. The person responded by saying that he weighs 170lbs, and uses an additional 170lbs for sets of 5 reps! His next response though, is what led me to pen this article.

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