Blueprint Army

Blueprint Army
$36.99 per Month
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- Practically everything ever written or spoken by CRR!
Blueprint Bulletin
Your monthly subscription includes a detailed, real world example of how to stimulate muscle growth using overload techniques. That's fresh training techniques and supplement info to your inbox every 30 days!
Archives Access
Access to practically every article, book, or discussion Coach Rob has had! Archive access includes nearly 100 past Bulletin issues, PowerHour archives, special reports and more!
Consultation w/ Coach Rob
You get a 30 minute phone consultation with Coach Rob to personally address your goals, troubleshoot your capacity blocks, and e-mail you a written list of recommendations based on your info.
Blueprint Basics
Your introduction to Coach Rob Regish and the building blocks for your personal training. Follow the three step process (stimulate, recover and grow) and set yourself up for results like you've never before.
By Facts
Every bit of published info is backed by scientific data and Coach Rob's personal experiences. Plus, we have NO vested interest in any of the products, systems or supplements we review here.
We are so confident in our content that, if, within 30 days of your registration you are not 100% satisfied with the value of the content we offer, we will give you your money back, no questions asked.