About Us
Our mission is to help anyone with a sincere desire to gain muscle, lose fat and/ot improve their health. Young, old, male or female, it doesn't matter - if you have the will, we'll show you the way.
We have the largest resource of online information this industry has ever seen, and unlike so many other "authorities" - we tell you the truth about what works, what doesn't and how to achieve your goals in the fastest possible manner.

The Man Behind The Name
Coach Rob Regish

Rob Regish is an internationally recognized name in the field of health and fitness. He's been a weekly contributor to Super Human Radio for almost a decade, answering listener questions from around the world. A former competitive powerlifter, Rob has successfully coached people ranging from ages 12 to 75. He is the author of The Blueprint Bulletin, a monthly newsletter giving no holds barred, real information on training, diet, supplements, anti-aging etc.
I also formulate supplements for several sports nutrition companies, both here in the U.S. and in Europe. I've authored a half dozen books on the subject of physical culture - including an Amazon.com International Best Seller "Fast Muscle Building". So whether it's fat loss, muscle building, healing injuries or practicing successful aging - I have you covered.
Finally, I want people to know this: I am no armchair guru. I regularly practice what I preach and today at age 50, am capable of feats I wasn't in my 20's. That doesn't happen by accident, its the direct result of me working hard and using my own information. The same information I want you to have.
In my mind, there is no other way...