Blueprint Blog

My Take on Creatine

By Coach Rob Regish / March 31, 2021 /
My Take On Creatine

Question: I’ve heard you say you don’t use creatine much, and it doesn’t do much for you. But I’ve also heard you say you put 10lbs on with the stuff in 9 days. Why the discrepancy? Answer: Both statements are true, but they represent two different points in time. Let me explain. I first used…

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Negative Only Training

By Coach Rob Regish / March 24, 2021 /
Negative Lifting

Question: I read an article by Arthur Jones, and he claimed negative only training gave him the best gains. Like, far and away his best gains. Is he right? Answer: I think it’s fair to say negatives have some value, but not as a standalone training method. In that respect, they’re not unlike static holds,…

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Gain Muscle Fast

By Coach Rob Regish / January 6, 2021 /
Gain Muscle Fast

Question I’m an old school lifter who’s unfortunately lost a lot of muscle. Can you tell me how fast I can gain it back? Or if I can build a lot of new muscle? Answer Much depends upon how much muscle you originally built, by what means and other particulars about your current situation. Because…

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Losing Weight Without Losing Strength

By Coach Rob Regish / December 9, 2020 /
Losing Weight without Losing Strength

Question I just turned 40 and need to make some changes. What’s the best way to lose weight, without losing a lot of strength? My bench drops like a rock whenever I lose weight. Answer My first thought is losing weight isn’t a good idea. Losing fat is, so let’s make that distinction. For many…

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